I wasn't sure where to post this, so apologies if I am posting in the wrong place for this one, but this is just a thanks to all the members of the m2m community - podcasts, strava, here, wherever I have interacted with you, this is a Thanks for you.
I was a keen cyclist when younger however a couple of serious accidents involving vehicles put me off. I went 9 years without doing any cycling whatsoever. Like most of us, over the last couple of years with lockdowns etc, I got a bit rounder and decided I must do something about this.
In July, I decided to start cycling again, and soon came across this site. Through the strava club, seeing different peoples mileages and climbs in there has spurred me on to try bigger and better things, or to just get out there and ride when I couldn't be bothered. Life circumstances currently prevent me from committing to a local club as I cannot guarantee to be free to ride when others are, so my mileage has been solo.
This year I have cycled around 1,700 miles since July, done my first 100 mile bike ride and lost 1 1/2 stone so far (3 stone to go hopefully). This has led to my resting heart rate dropping by 10 bpm also.
I could not have achieved this without the encouragement of being in a "virtual" bike club and being challenged to keep going (solo riding, particular if the rubbish British autumn/winter weather can be hard).
For those not currently in the Strava club who would like some encouragement, I would encourage you to go for it :)
This is a thanks to all of you in the community, whether I have spoken to you or not yet, for the encouragement you have given me to keep going (and set new targets for next year :D )
@Ben Phillips I thought I'd post an update as I am now coming up on a year since I started cycling again -
Quick breakdown -
4,212 miles done since I started cycling
2 1/2 stone lost
I've learnt to change disk brake pads, chains, cassettes and am about to embark on changing chainrings, and bleeding brakes.... (Its all good fun)
As for that 3,000 mile target from January to December - I'm smashing it.
2,557 miles completed so far this year (443 to target) - may have to extend it at this rate... longest ride has been 137 miles (I know, if your a beginner this sounds impossible - but with practice and gently increasing what you do, its not).
I'm still following the club on Strava and it still inspires.
Thanks all - my health thanks you all too :)
(P.S. you don't need a fancy road bike to do this - I have a hybrid with panniers - if anyone wants to follow my journey - please add me on Strava (you can find me in the m2m club) or on instagram - @the_extra_pannier - Once I hit my 3000 miles, ill update with my new target for the year.
Go for it :) (I'm busy sharing parts of my cycling journey on my socials anyway... something about keeping myself accountable.. think that may be in your book ;) )
Next year I'm already aiming for a minimum 3,000 miles in the back of my head (although initial targets will be smaller...) but secretly - im hoping to smash 3,000 and have to aim higher :D
Would you mind if I shared your post on our social channels, Drew? I'd love to shrlare the positve impact we're having on people's lives through the m2M community. Thanks.
Well, holy brown stuff, Drew. I can't tell you how much I'm smiling right now! Honestly, buddy, I'm so bloody proud to read your note. This is exactly what m2M Cycling was set up to achieve and to read this on the last day of 2021 has just proved to me that the hard graft has been bloody worth it! Thank you so so much for your contribution and ongoing support, and all the best for 2022, mate. Here's to you smashing out even more miles and losing that final 3 stones. You've got this, and the m2M Cycling community have got your back! 😁 🤜 🤛 👍 Cheers. Ben. Chief MAMIL Officer.