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Forum Posts
Ben Kay
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Nov 07, 2021
In Group Rides
Hi Just seen that the entries for Ride London 100 open this week. Has anyone done this before? Any thoughts tips? i like that it’s promoted as a traffic free event!! Ben
Ben Kay
Sign up super star!
Oct 21, 2021
In Gear & Components
Simple question.. does the type of brake actually make any difference to the occasional rider?
Ben Kay
Sign up super star!
Oct 06, 2021
In Cycling Clothes
I was worried when i bought my bike that I would turn in to 'one of those' MAMILs.. I was determined not to become the cliche.. BUT, a friend persuaded me to get some bib shorts (think mankini with an inbuilt nappy). I wasn't prepared to spend a fortune, so invested in some from Amazon (about £30 I think).. OMG they are the best, super comfy, don't pull on your shoulders, no need for undercrackers, so you get no pinching around the waist.. HIGHLY recommend getting some if you are new to cycling. Yes, I admit I am a MAMIL, but the comfort outweighs label!
Ben Kay
Sign up super star!
Oct 06, 2021
In Group Rides
Hi guys Firstly can I say i love this site/forum.. its as if you are actually in my head thinking the same thoughts about the tentative start to cycling. I'm relatively new to this, having (reluctantly) bought a road bike from eBay in order to fulfil a friends brilliant (alcohol-fuelled) idea of 'lets do the London to Brighton' ride.. Well I may be the only person ever to say 'thank goodness for COVID' as it delayed the ride by a year. To say I am massively confused by all the jargon, kit and lycra is an understatement, BUT I have to say, I LOVE my road bike now, and have a few tales to tell (including a 'Del Boy'-esque falling incident in the middle of Windsor town centre. I am looking forward to seeing this site develop, and being part of it.. think you have hit on something interesting here! Oh, and I completed the London - Brighton.. 55miles, in the rain.. blooming silly idea.. but bloody loved it! Ben - Berkshire
Ben Kay
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