A big hello to all the m2M Cycling community members. Thanks so much for signing up to our humble little venture. We're at the very early days of things so please bear with us. New things are on the horizon all the time so if you experience something you're not sure about or unhappy with then please lets us know. (positive feedback is appreciated, also! 😉)
With temperatures heading in the wrong direction I'm thinking about bringing out an Autumn /Winter cycling top that will be of high quality and provides superb value for money.
In my experience, the cheap cycling clobber starts to lose it's shape, padding and falls apart after half a dozen washes. Whereas the more expensive stuff might be just that... Too expensive for beginners to want to take the plunge with.
Before I potentially risk wasting money (I don't have) on something (people don't want) I thought I'd ask the good people on m2M Cycling for your opinion on something:

1) Do you like this design?
2) If the quality was similar to Castelli, what do you think and /or feel when hearing "£84.99" as a potential price tag? (Too high? Too low? About right? Sounds excellent if the quality matches Castelli?)
If you could leave any feedback in the comments it would be HUGELY appreciated. And please don't worry about causing any offence. I can't afford for an ego to get in the way of constructive feedback so candour would be sincerely welcomed.
Haha. We talk about 'cycling widows' in our book. You need to get friendly with your bike shop and always ensure you ask for the receipt and the 'RECEIPT'. The first one ensures you're covered for the true value of your purchase. The 'RECEIPT' (nudge nudge wink wink) is the one you show your partner.
Usually says something like "One new bike. £10.99" 😉 😂