Hi guys
Firstly can I say i love this site/forum.. its as if you are actually in my head thinking the same thoughts about the tentative start to cycling.
I'm relatively new to this, having (reluctantly) bought a road bike from eBay in order to fulfil a friends brilliant (alcohol-fuelled) idea of 'lets do the London to Brighton' ride.. Well I may be the only person ever to say 'thank goodness for COVID' as it delayed the ride by a year.
To say I am massively confused by all the jargon, kit and lycra is an understatement, BUT I have to say, I LOVE my road bike now, and have a few tales to tell (including a 'Del Boy'-esque falling incident in the middle of Windsor town centre.
I am looking forward to seeing this site develop, and being part of it.. think you have hit on something interesting here!
Oh, and I completed the London - Brighton.. 55miles, in the rain.. blooming silly idea.. but bloody loved it!
Ben - Berkshire

Splat lol